Children's Equipping Center

Vision: The vision of the Children’s Equipping Center (CEC) is:
  • to raise up children as young forerunners who love God wholeheartedly
  • to help them grow in the knowledge of God through the study of the Word
  • to evangelize the lost from a place of prayer in the 24/7 reality
  • to cultivate a heart of compassion by giving generously to the poor
  • to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit moving in signs and wonders through prayer, prophesy, and the laying on of hands, unto the Lord’s return.

Burning Ones Conference

BURNING ONES' Conference (for ages 6-12) is a training ground where we train and release young forerunners who will be wholeheartedly devoted to God. This is a ministry conference for kids that runs for a power-packed three and a half days! The kids will be engaging in different activities and teachings that will create space for them to encounter God, enjoy prayer and worship, grow in understanding of the Bible, and partner with the heart of Jesus through ministry to others.

Burning Ones Conference is aimed at keeping the hearts of the next generation burning with love for Jesus that they would endure until the end as witnesses to the nations.

Isaac Academy

A weekly homeschool co-op that serves as another opportunity to train homeschooled children in prayer and to encourage homeschooling parents.

Meet the team.

Andreina Grajales

CEC Director, Teacher 
Andreina serves as Director of the Children’s Equipping Center through teaching and discipleship of children, as well as team-building and vision casting with the purpose of igniting a desire to see a holy generation rise up. Motivated by passion to come alongside and serve families, Andreina leads parent meetings and provides support to families. She currently leads children’s prayer sets, ongoing ministry (lock-ins, services, prayer meetings, etc.), and our yearly Signs and Wonders camp. Andreina also serves with Issac Academy, our homeschooling co-op, as a lead teacher. 

Alicia Forman 

Administrative Assistant, Teacher
Alicia serves the Children's Equipping Center through teaching on Sundays, Friday nights, and at the summer camps. She is a full-time intercessor at the house of prayer as a worship leader, prayer leader, and singer with other worship teams. She helps run the administrative side of the Children's Equipping Center and is passionate about discipling the next generation in the context of worship and prayer.

Lucy McCormick

Director of Isaac Academy, Teacher
Lucy is a certified elementary school teacher with a bachelor’s degree from the College of New Jersey. She worked twelve years as a kindergarten and first grade teacher before coming on staff as a full-time intercessory missionary at International House of Prayer Eastern Gate. She serves as the Director of the Isaac Academy and is a lead teacher for the Children's Equipping Center. She is also a worship leader in the prayer room.