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Attention Parents of Teen Youth ages 13-18

Registration for the 2022 SFM Summer Youth Intensive  is NOW OPEN!

This year’s theme for the Youth Intensive is entitled, “RUN!” which is in response to the apostolic charge from the author of Hebrews 12:1 where it says...

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…”.  

This year’s overarching message to the youth will be a sobering reminder that our lives are a race of faith littered with many obstacles and hurdles along the way in the form of worldly attractions, carnal distractions, and satanic distortions all of which are hinging on the intention of disqualifying them from the race.  ONLY a generation that knows their God and His Word shall persevere by the power of the Spirit at work in their lives!

Over the five days of the Youth Intensive,
every message and activity will revolve around the various themes of a race:

“On Your Mark”… “Get Set”… “GO!”… and “The Finish Line!”

Your teen will never be the same and we want to see no Teen get disqualified.  Each day they will have social interactions, and spiritual trainings that are specifically geared towards leading your teens from responding to one message after the other each time leading to a deeper and more profound encounter and commitment our LORD Jesus Christ.  We want to partner with you to see your Teenage young Believer run their race and finish well before the Day of the LORD… SIGN THEM UP TODAY and let’s see them “RUN!” the race set before them with Holy Spirit empowered endurance!


***If you have a real need for financial assistance or have multiple siblings (2+) registering for the Intensive,
you may be eligible for discounted pricing, please contact me at the number below.  
Please DO NOT let financial impediments keep you from registering and sending your child - scholarships for special needs are available.  | (908) 858-2544